Trace-Tec celebrates its 7th anniversary



Trace-Tec has just celebrated its 7th anniversary (April 27, 2016 - April 27, 2023) and organized the Team Building 2023 program with the theme "Brilliant April". This is a special opportunity for the companys leaders and all employees to have the opportunity to share and bond after the journey of effort and pride.

After 7 years of establishment and development, at a time when Trace-Tec is increasingly expanding its scale and focusing more on building organizational culture, the companys birthday is also an opportunity to make more expectations than ever. Besides that, the companys founding milestone always brings a lot of emotions, recalls memorable and proud memories, is an opportunity for the whole enterprise to look back on the journey they have gone through and affirm their determination to conquer new challenges.

That is why the Team Building program has been cherished since early and meticulously invested by the BTC in each content towards a very clear goal: building pride in Trace-Tec, creating opportunities for bonding as well as promoting the spirit of solidarity among the members of the company.



The Team Building event and the Gala Dinner to celebrate Trace-Tecs 7th birthday lasting 2 days and 1 night were ed to be held at the villa by the Dong Do lake. Temporarily leaving the office, the fresh air in the suburbs also makes the journey more refreshing, adding more positive energy to each employee.


Beginning the Team Building program are extremely exciting games, bringing natural and refreshing laughter to the members of the company.





As expected, the "Ring the Golden Bell" contest really became the highlight of the whole program. Questions about the company combined with office computer knowledge and English skills were given in turn, making the candidates go surprised to surprised. The English debate round to choose the winner made the companys leaders surprised by their ability to use foreign languages as well as the rigorous arguments that the contestants made.




In contrast to the Team Building part, the Gala Dinner program led the whole team to a shared emotion, inspired by stories and moments spanning the companys development journey.



Looking back on the journey that has passed, Trace-Tec has the right to be proud of what has been achieved. From the beginning, back when the company’s human resource scale was still small and working together in a small office, uptil now, Trace-Tec is proud to be one of the leading companies in the field of electronic components in Vietnam and the number of employees is over 70 members.

The initial difficult founding period is over, now its time for Trace-Tec to focus on big goals to take the company out into the world. Great aspirations, steadfast will, proactive spirit and the unanimity of the Board of Directors and employees are the solid foundation for the company to develop sustainably and make strong leaps. more in the future.